What can we do?

Do you remember loving people? It feels like something that happened in another lifetime. I have seen it in the Hallmark movies I am addicted to — there is an abundance of kindness dripping from the TV screen into my home when watching these shows. Sometimes I roll my eyes a bit because of the nonsensical endings that wrap everything up in a beautiful, loving bow.

Too much, right? Or is it? Should not we try for nonsensical love?

It is so easy to live in a bubble world where everyone is like you. Of course you love the amazing people in your life; to not love them means you do not love yourself. They are a replication of you after all.

Can we try harder? Can we love when it is a challenge? I know we can.

Change happens in me and with me.

I will love.

Ahh…the smell of Summer School Stress
Janis Effner Janis Effner

Ahh…the smell of Summer School Stress

“Ms. Effner it looks like Carson failed ELA for the last quarter.  Let me know which summer school session he will be attending.” I smirked as I emailed back that he must have contacted the wrong parent, my son was making straight A’s. 

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The Greatest Reset
Janis Effner Janis Effner

The Greatest Reset

I do not know if the world is resetting, but I do know the greatest reset ever will happen in me and with me because I choose it.

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‘Can You Hear Me?’
Janis Effner Janis Effner

‘Can You Hear Me?’

‘Hello? Can you hear me?’ A ‘y’ appears in chat, and it’s not even capitalized. This is going to be tough.

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